Please read before signing the employment application:
The Component Repair Management Company is an equal employment opportunity employer. We adhere to a policy of making
employment decisions without regard to race, color, age, sex, religion, national
origin, disability, sexual orientation, or marital status. We assure you that
opportunity for employment with us depends solely on your qualifications.
I understand that the employer will thoroughly investigate my work and personal
history and verify all data given on this application, on related papers, and in
interviews. I authorize all individuals, schools, and firms named therein,
except my
current employer if so noted, to provide any information requested about me, and
release them from all liability for damage in providing this information.
I understand that the employer follows an “employment at will” policy, in that I
the employer may terminate my employment at any time, or for any reason
with applicable state or federal law; this “employment at will” policy cannot be
changed verbally or in writing, unless the change is specifically authorized in
writing by the Human Resource Director of this organization. I understand that
application is not a contract of employment. I understand that federal law
the employment of unauthorized aliens; all persons hired must submit
proof of employment authorization and identity; failure to submit such proof
result in denial of employment.
I understand this application will be active for a period of three months; after
time, if I wish to be considered for employment, I must submit a new
If employed by The Component Repair Management Company, I will comply with any rules or regulations set forth in its
employee handbooks, policies and procedures manuals, and in other communications
distributed or announced to employees.
I hereby waive and release The Component Repair Management Company and its directors, officers, employees, agents,
representatives from any and all claims that might arise from reviewing and
processing my application and conducting the above-referenced background
investigations. I understand that my employment with The Component Repair Management Company and any offer of
are conditioned on the receipt by The Component Repair Management Company of background information completely
satisfactory to The Component Repair Management Company. The Component Repair Management Company may withdraw an offer of employment or terminate
if new or different information that reflects negatively on my qualifications or
credentials is received by The Component Repair Management Company.
I certify that all the statements herein are true and understand that any
falsification or willful omission shall be sufficient cause for dismissal or
of employment